Local Communities

In multicultural Britain, there are many signs of social division and unrest in our communities. By supporting Milapfest you can help us to:

  • Break down the real and perceived barriers that keep people divided to achieve greater social cohesion and stability
  • Create opportunities for new audiences, young and old, to experience Indian arts and culture for the first time
  • Continue to provide health and well-being activities such as free monthly Indian classical music and dance concerts
  • Develop future project work focused on major issues such as mental health, dementia, heart disease and diabetes

If you’d like to make a one-off donation, please click the button below:

If you’d like to make a regular donation, please click here.

If you’d like to find out more about our outreach work please contact a member of the Milapfest team on 0151 291 3949 or email us at info@milapfest.com.

Please click here to find out more about our work with young people